Oct 23, 2015


In full analysis of all the power   competition during the Nigeria- Biafra. War will be useful to begin with,


Beginning with the January 15, 1966, coup d'etat through the counter coup staged mainly by in northern Nigerian officers who murdered 185 Igbo officers and the massacre of 30 thousand Igbo's and easterners in pogrom that started in may 1966 and occurred over four months the event of those month left millions of other future Biafrans and me feeling terrified As we fled home to Eastern Nigeria to escape  all manner of atrocities  that were being inflicted upon us and our families in different part of Nigeria , we saw we saw ourselves as victim .when we noticed that federal government of Nigeria did not respond our call to end the pogrom, we concluded that a government that failed to safeguard the lives of its citizens has no claim to their allegiance and must ready to accept that the victims deserve the right to seek their safety in other ways including secession.

Story to be continued.

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